Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Do you have the power of persuasion?

Do you have what it takes to convince someone to share one of your beliefs?  Can you inspire people to act upon something you feel strongly about?  Two of my classes have been asked to write a persuasive story about a turkey convincing another character not to eat him for Thanksgiving.  Should the turkey use facts, statistics, or research to persuade the hungry human?  Do you think appealing to the emotions of the person would do the trick?  Or maybe the turkey could show how reliable and trustworthy he is.

What would you say and do if you were the turkey?

(image found at University of Minnesota Morris Admissions Blog by blogger Jo)


  1. Delissia

    In my opinion..i think that appealing to the persons emotions would always do the trick! When you want a person to belive what you might belive in definatally go to there emotions first.(:

  2. Ashley

    I think that the turkey should show how reliable he can be to the big bad hungry human. haha the turkey should also convince the hungry human not to eat him by telling the human how it feels to get hurt or KILLED, and/or he can just tell the human to eat a different kind of meat!!!! yikes!! well good luckk turkey(:

  3. Cody

    i think that the turkey should tell the hungry man why he should not eat the turkey. He should give facts about why ham tastes better than turkey. He should give the hungry man statitics to try to give the hungry guy another reason why he should eat the turkey! THe turkey should also tell the hungry man why he dose not want to get eaten because of his family or something. GOOD LUCK YOU CRAZY TURKEY!!!!!!!:)

  4. Dawnique

    I think the turkey should show how much he is trustworthy...it would show the humans that you can trust an animal...
    The turkey should also make him/her feel emotional about eating the turkey because your more convincing when you make them feel sad or mad at themselves when the person wants to eat you (pretend your the turkey) :b

  5. Reyna
    I think that i would use the readers emotions and facts about the turkey. Or maybe i would use the statistics of how many turkeys are killed and eaten for Thankgiving.

  6. Yomira

    I think turkeys shouldnt get eaten for thanks giving. The turkey should use lots of arguments to persuade the people not to eat him and eat ham instead.!!!! Gooood Luuuck to the turkey(:

  7. Adriana

    I think the turkey should show that he is reliable he can be. So he wont be eaten and he can be free.

  8. Keeshawn
    I think the turkey should appeal to his emotions because then if the man knows how the turkey feels then he wouldn't feel right about eating him.
